Objectives Indian Social Science Congress
The Indian Social Science Congress is organized by the Indian Academy of Social Sciences in association with some university every year. Its main object is to discover, develop and disseminate Science of Nature-Humans- Society (though the word ‘Nature’ includes humans and society, the phrase ‘Nature-Humans-Society’ is being used for making everyone engaged in pursuing science to understand that like Nature science too is indivisible and that all branches of science get integrated in social science) through critical appraisal and integration of current research and theory in all branches/disciplines of science taught and researched in Indian universities, colleges, research institutes, R&D organizations and national/regional laboratories. Allied to it are six other major objectives: One, to improve quality of education and research in Indian universities, colleges, research institutes and R&D organizations. Two, to provide feedback to the government on working of national policies of education, health, agriculture, industry, ecology, environment, social justice, poverty, hunger, unemployment, Science & Technology, social harmony, emerging economic, political, social, S&T challenges etc. Three, to enable all sections/classes of peoples of India to enjoy higher quality of material, social, cultural and spiritual life while living in peace and harmony with Nature. Four, to create congenial democratic institutional and social conditions for flowering and utilization of creative potentialities of young minds. Five, to make India self-reliant, self-sufficient and eco-friendly. Six, to develop sustainability science capable of making humans learn to conserve the Planet Earth and its life- supporting attributes/resources-and restructure their social and economic systems in accordance with the same.