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Year of Establishment: 2001

a) Venue: School of Maths, Statistics & Computer Science (Department of Computer Science)

b) Duration: Two Year (Four Semesters)

c) Number of Seats: 30 (Thirty)

d) Eligibility : Bachelor in Science with minimum Second Class Hons, in Computer Science from Utkal University or any  Recognized University

e) Selection Procedure : Career-cum-Entrance test.

f) Course fee:Rs.25,000/- per year excluding exams fee, electricity charges & seminar fees.

g) Course structure : The course will cover the following subjects in general : Data & File structures, Statistical Techniques, Discrete Mathematical Structures, Computer System Architecture, Operating System Design, Database Design, Software Engineering, Object Oriented System Design, Computer Networks & Distributed Systems, Computer Graphics, Internet Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Compiler Design.
Lab-I : Data Structure, Scientific Computing,
Lab-II : Database Network Programming,
Lab-Ill: AI, IT.

h)  Elective  :  Microprocessor & System Programming, Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Principles of Programming Languages, Graph theory, Theory of Computation, E- Commerce, Information System, Digital Signal Processing, Visual Programming, Cryptography & Security, VLSI Design, Mobile Computing, Distributed Databases, Computer Vision, Image Processing, Internet Technology, Multimedia Systems, Pattern Recognition, Embedded Systems, Unix Internals, Parallel computing, Artificial Neural Networks, Soft Computing, Speech Processing, Decision Support System, Analysis Design & Implementation  Systems, Compiler Design, Optimization Technique, Oral & Written Communication, Network Programming, Bio Informatics.

Contact Person : Dr. P.Tripathy, Course Co-Ordinator, M.Sc. Comp.Sc., Dept. of Computer Sc. & Application, Utkal University, BBSR,
Ph. : 2580216 (0), 2586110 (R), FAX : 2587814