Zoology Department Academic dimension In BERHAMPUR University Orissa

Research in the specialised areas of cytogeneties, generic toxkity, cyto-chemistry, cell physiology, biology of ageing, stress physiology and biochemistry have been pursued in the department. This is amply reflected in the award of as many as 95 Ph. D. degrees under the guidance of the teachers of the department. A number research project! funded by notable agencies like UGC, CSIR, DST, DSTE have been completed.

The faculty has published so far 344 research papers in various journals of international and national repute. In addition, the members have visited U.K., Switzerland, Hungary, U.S.A. and Japan under various post-doctoral research programmes offered by Commonwealth Exchange Programmes and fellowships. The department has organised three Refresher Courses on Cell Biology, Advances in Cell Biology aid Advances in Zoology. The department has also organised All India Congress of Society of Cytology and Genetics and a National Seminar on Environmental Impact Assessment.