Yoga Shibir Classes At Utkal University Vani Vihar Bhubaneswar


Yoga Shibir will be held on start January 2/01/2013 to 11/1/2013 at Utkal university Vani Vihar time 7.30 am to 9.30 am . Director of Distance and Continuing Education Utkal university  Vani Vihar Bhubaneswar is to inform all  the candidates (BA/ MBA/ P.G.Diploma in Management / NGO Management) who have registered for the Self Defense and Yoga Shibir classes will commence as per the following schedule

Date Programme (Time- 7.30 am to 9.30 am)
02.01.2013 Yoga Shibir- Session-1
03.01.2013 Self Defense- Session-1
04.01.2013 Yoga Shibir- Session-2
05.01.2013 Self Defense- Session-2
06.01.2013 Yoga Shibir- Session-3
07.01.2013 Self Defense- Session-3
08.01.2013 Yoga Shibir- Session-4
09.01.2013 Self Defense- Session-4
10.01.2013 Yoga Shibir- Session-5
11.01.2013 Self Defense- Session-5

 To bring your own mat/Bed sheet for the Yoga Shibir;
 To come with track suit or loose cotton dress.