2013 Upasastri Examination Shri Jagannath Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya Puri

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Shri Jagannth sanskrit Vishvadyalaya shri Vihar ,Puri programme for upasastri examination 2013 (both new and old).The eaxm will be start on March 01/03/2013 to 21/03/2013.The Exam first 1st Sitting time 10.00 A.M  to 1.00 P.M (New Course) and 2nd sitting time 2.00 P.M to 5.00 P.m (Old Course)

  • Important
  • The Examination will be held as per the programme(Theory and Practical) Even if any of the date is subsequently declared as Holidays
  • All practical examination records ar to be sent in separate cover to the valution zone.The Corresponding marks be sent to the controller of exmainations in separate cover by Name
  • Any mistake detected should however be brought to notice of the controller of examinations.