It is a matter of great pleasure and pride for us to organize a National Seminar on “Cyber Law: Issues and Challenges”.Over the years, Information Technology has transformed the global economy and connected people and markets in ways beyond imagination. With the Information Technology gaining the centre stage, nations across the world are experimenting with innovative ideas for economic development and inclusive growth. It has also created new vulnerabilities and opportunities for disruption. The cyber security threats emanate from a wide variety of sources and manifest themselves in disruptive activities that target individuals, businesses, national infrastructure and Governments alike. Their effects carry significant risk for public safety, security of nation and the stability of the globally linked economy as a whole. The origin of a disruption, the identity of the perpetrator or the motivation for it can be difficult to ascertain and the act can take place from virtually anywhere. These attributes facilitate the use of Information Technology for disruptive activities. As such, cyber security threats pose one of the most serious economic and national security challenges. (XII five-year plan on information technology sector Report of Sub-Group on Cyber Security).
Director: Dr. M.K Sahu
Contact No- 07787000184
Email: meenaketan1@gmail.com
Organizing Secretary: Mr. Prayas Dansana
Contact No- 08895969545
Email: prayas.dansana@gmail.com
Last Date of Submission of Abstract: 6th Feb. 2015
Intimation of Acceptance of Abstract: 8th Feb. 2015
Full Paper Submission (Soft Copy): 28th Feb. 2015
Full Paper Submission (Hard Copy) & Registration Fees: 2nd March 2015
Date of Seminar: 9th March 2015 (Monday)
For more details of the National Seminar on Cyber law at Sambalpur University click here.