Odissi is one of the six classical dance forms of India with a very distinct elegance and poise associated with its style. It finds mention in the Natya Shashtra of Bharata, as Odra-Magadhi style. Friezes in the caves of Udayagiri and Khandagiri and the sculptures of female dancers found in large numbers in temples attest to the popularity of dances in courts and places of worship as far back as the 2nd century BC. It was an integral part of the religious rituals performed in the nata mandapas by the maharis or devadasis in their elaborate costumes and jewellery.

Beautifully attired in pleated silk brocades, bejewelled and decked in jasmine flowers and bells, the dancers perform to the recitation of devotional poetry set to music, most inspired from the theme of eternal love of Radha-Krishna. The important parts of Odissi Dance are called padabhada, bumi, chari, biramani, bhangi and hasta etc. The most typical pose is tribhanga where the body is bent thrice, the fundamental posture is chawki and the dance is divided into nritta, nritya and natya. The different items of the Odissi dance style in the order in which they are performed are mangalacharana, batu mokshanat.In mangalacharana, the dancer dedicates herself to the Lord Ganesha or Lord Jagannath, begs forgiveness of the Mother Earth for stamping her feet upon her and of her audience for any shortcoming in the performance and offers salutations to the Guru.